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企业等级: 普通会员
经营模式: 生产加工
所在地区: 广东 深圳
联系卖家: LuckYu 先生   QQ在线咨询154489269
手机号码: 13802562274
公司官网: www.szrhfkj.com
公司地址: 深圳市龙岗区南联水口村


发布时间:2019-05-11 13:48:27        


蘑菇头粘扣带又名魔术贴、黏扣带、尼龙搭扣、HOOKLOOP、Nylon Fastening Tape,规格多样,头为蘑型状,粘性在魔术贴里***佳,



蘑菇头背胶魔术贴(乱钩背胶)用途及特性:魔术贴经过特殊钩面加工,扣合剥离强度***。抗增塑剂、 耐潮湿、抗紫外线、耐溶剂、优 异的抗张性能、可重复闭合、无中间下垂现象、降噪、减振等。

背胶蘑菇头魔术贴适用于要求强力固定且较少拆卸的用途,如窗帘、电动工具、固定汽车内部饰件和其 它部件如汽车行李箱盖、运动护 具、打磨和抛光工具、以及防护服饰类产品等。隐藏式的贴合可用于门,面 板,指示牌,陈列板及许多需要经常拆卸的物品。当蘑菇头造型 的表面相互咬合时,其抗张强度足以媲美机 械式固定,亦可重复开合数百次以上。背胶(强力胶)系列产品可以用在面板、木板、玻璃及许多 不同的塑料 上。

Mushroom Head Magic Stick Series

Mushroom head adhesive tape, also known as magic tape, adhesive tape, nylon ***le, HOOKLOOP, Nylon Fastening Tape, has a variety of specificati***. The head is mushroom-shaped, and the stickiness is the best in magic tape.

Mushroom head magic sticker is different from the ordinary magic sticker, the hook part is made of nylon silk, very tough, coupled with a unique mushroom design, so the pulling force is particularly strong. Special hook processing, excellent bonding and peeling strength.

Mushroom head magic stickers are suitable for applicati*** requiring strong fixing and less disassembly, such as curtains, electric tools, fixed car interior accessories and other components such as trunk cover, sports protective gear, polishing and polishing tools, and protective clothing products. Hidden fittings can be used for doors, panels, signboa***, display boa*** and many items that need to be removed frequently. When the surface of the mushroom head is occluded with each other, the tensile strength of the mushroom head is comparable to that of mechanical fixation, and it can be opened and closed hundreds of times or more. For your needs, you can choose a series of products with or without backing glue. Back glue series products can be used on panels, boa***, glass and many different plastics. Moisture, anti-ultr***iolet, solvent resistance, excellent tensile properties, repeatable closure, no intermediate sag phenomenon, noise reduction, vibration reduction, etc.

Application and characteristics of magic sticker with mushroom head and back glue: Magic sticker has been processed with special hook surface and has excellent bonding and peeling strength. Anti-plasticizer, moisture resistance, anti-ultr***iolet, solvent resistance, excellent tensile properties, repeatable closure, no intermediate sag, noise reduction, vibration reduction, etc.

Back glue mushroom head magic stickers are suitable for applicati*** requiring strong fixing and less disassembly, such as curtains, electric tools, fixed car interior accessories and other components such as trunk cover, sports protective gear, polishing and polishing tools, and protective clothing products. Hidden fittings can be used for doors, panels, signboa***, display boa*** and many items that need to be removed frequently. When the surface of the mushroom head is occluded with each other, the tensile strength of the mushroom head is comparable to that of mechanical fixation, and it can be opened and closed hundreds of times or more. Back glue (strong glue) series products can be used in panels, boa***, glass and many different plastics.

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  • LuckYu先生 QQ在线咨询154489269
  • 手机:13802562274
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